How can I write EVERY day?

You’ve read it a million times.
Just do it.
You’ve heard it said… Getting your butt in the chair is the hardest thing.

So you bought a nice comfy chair…and now, in this new year? In 2011?

You have decided you will finally write. Every day.

And you can.
Don’t think you’ll write good words every day- or that you will like what you write everyday, or even that the words you write will be anything more than a list for the grocery store.

The thing is to get in the habit of having pen and paper, or computer, or smart phone handy for when those story ideas do some. That is what we’re driving for.
Writing, not as a chore, but as a habit.

Need a starting point?

Try these exercises.

If you are someone who gets easily distracted, or needs to work on a deadline, try these timers and alarms.

If you need goals and accountability? Join a local or online writing group that will keep you both motivated and on track with your projects.

And if you still need a kick in the butt?  Write to us here. Let’s get you involved at one of our coastal 5 day writing retreats, where we guarantee you will get and stay on track.

Because that’s what writers do for each other.

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