Teacher Thursday Post. THE HOOK.



Don’t fall in love with the hook you currently have. A novel is fluid until it’s published, so try some hooks on for size, but don’t pressure yourself to come up with one before moving forward. Only when you’ve finished your book will you know where it should ideally start, so quite possibly the opening line is the last thing you’ll write as you complete your first draft.

QUICK FIX: Since story openings make significant promises that relate to the main character’s pursuit, use them to your advantage. Solidify (1) the promises your hook makes regarding the protagonist’s struggles; (2) the clarity and resonance of sensory impressions; (3) the presence of strong, visceral emotions; and (4) the uniqueness of the voice.




  • Is my hook an appropriate length? Does it make accurate promises for this story’s direction and take into consideration what readers will already know about the novel from its title, cover, back-cover copy, blurbs, and reviews?
  • If I start the story by introducing someone other than the protagonist, do I have a compelling reason for doing so? How will readers react when they find out that this character isn’t the main one?
  • Will this opening make readers want to keep reading? Is it too clichéd or overwrought? How can I make it more gripping and memorable?
  • Does my book lock in the mood, clarify the narrator’s point of view, and introduce the voice soon enough?
  • Is my opening sentence concise and evocative, or have I tried to do too much, turning it into its own paragraph? How can I pare it down to a more effective length?


WIthout a great hook, your manuscript may never make it into print. If it does, it may not become the best-seller you wanted to write. Use the bullet points above to ask all the right questions and create the best book possible.

Have more questions for Steven? He’ll be your mentor while workshopping with you at our retreat and seminar in Ecuador next April.

Apply today.


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